If this post makes you feel bad, well then good. I mean, I don't mind if you feel a little bad. I'd like that actually. But don't go feeling too bad. It isn't your fault I'm part genetically heinous.
I recall, the day after the election in 2008, opening up the local paper and seeing a photo that made me do a double-take. I mean, once I was able to focus my ninja eyes on said photo and exclude the double-vision. Most ninjas probably take a day off from ninjary after an evening of drunken sisterly debauchery, but not me...I'm dedicated like that. Ahem, back to the photo. Apparently, whilst I gallivanted about Denver with my seester, quelling my fears about the election's outcome with muchas cervezas simultaneously enjoying my first evening 'away' from Annie, the locals at home were enjoying their own little shindig. I would have had an awful time there, likely. Because not one person in the photo appeared cross-eyed, I did spy a few pinkies sticking out from wine glass holding hands, and the festive photo featured...Socks. Yes, the newspaper featured a photo of celebratory sock-wearing Democrats. These hard-working and admirable folks (I know, I was knocking on doors along-side them) were victoriously toasting Obama’s win, for the newspaper, in their socks. Their fucking socks! WHAT?!
Growing up in Jersey I can’t ever remember taking my shoes off when I went visiting, so I’m inclined to think it is a regional custom. Which, okay. Right. Got it. But for the love of, Jesus Christ, just about ANYTHING (including Jesus Christ if you’re into that sort of thing), if you are hosting a party the likes of which will result in press coverage, cover your carpet with plastic or some shit! Don’t request people take off their shoes. Otherwise I will still be talking about the photographic evidence almost two years later.
Personally, I absolutely fucking HATE this custom because my Mom-Mom, bless her heart, may her soul rest in peace, I adored the ever-loving SHIT out of the woman, but she slipped me the genes that make my feet reek (she also gave me the awesome as all get out gene, I’m pretty sure, so we’re still cool). Not only do my feet reek, but they’re ugly. I won’t go into details, don’t worry. You can take a bite of that sandwich. Suffice it to say, my feet are sick. Seriously ill. They be illin’ as the cool kids say. Said. Once upon a time.
If I ever have the opportunity to traipse across your doorstep and I stumble upon a pile of shoes in the process, I will begrudgingly oblige. Though I guarantee you there will be ice cubes freezing in my freezer and in dire need of my immediate attention. I will not stink stick around. Which is actually really nice of me. You deserve a twitchy nose in my humble opinion. But I err on the side of not looking like an asshole given the choice. Being an asshole is another story altogether…Looking (worse: smelling) like one, no thanks.
Once at home tending to the freezing of the ice cubes, I’ll mentally add you to the list of people not to visit unless freshly showered and newly socked. I’ll also curse (if I really like you, anyway) that visiting you, my friend, will take careful planning. You see, when I’m visiting houses such as yours, I only use my stinky shoes to walk from my house to my car and my car to your house. Yes. I really do remove my shoes while driving somewhere I know that my shoes will not be welcome. That kind of careful planning. And since I’m a shitty careful plannerer, I probably won’t visit you very often.
But I’ll invite you over to my place. I’ll still like you. You pristine carpeted bitch. Drop by any time. Feel free to wear your shoes. My place is nice for winding down after a romp in the mud. Just bring beer. Drunken vacuuming isn’t illegal. Yet.