Sara Who?
>> July 28, 2010
I don't really exist today. Barely existed yesterday, which was not so bad considering I didn't exist at all the day before. And barely existing is surely preferable to non-existence. Right? I mean, I think? Hard to say sometimes. Every once in a while I get to thinking I've made myself so small, my brain might be big enough for two (fighting) brain cells. Or however that saying goes.
Being ignored is crushing. Absolutely crushing.
Worse, when the bits of assurance I'm given that I do in fact exist are blithely tumbled at me through squinty eyes and down a crinkled nose and I jump, no, lunge at them...What the fuck?
What did I do wrong? I'm not perfect. So not perfect. Would be nice to have the opportunity to be, I don't know, better? Perfection has always eluded me.
Been shitty these days.
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