Oops, My Tissues, Erm, Issues Are Showing...Or Not.
>> July 10, 2010
I am a little sad. No reason for it. Just how I started feeling in the paper products section of Target looking for tissues. Good thing I found them despite Target's attempt to confuse the shit out of me by changing the entire store around.
Boo-hiss. And boo-hoo.
I hate being sad. Makes me feel like an ingrate. But there's always a touch of it in me. Two cups of ridiculousness and a dash of sorrow. The consistency is all screwed up otherwise.
That's how I roll, I guess.
It's like, I miss me. But I don't know what about me I'm missing. There are gobs of possibilities.
I am eternally grateful, though, that my words are finding their way to the keyboard once again. At least I'm not missing that. 'Cause that sucked worse than shedding a few tears in Target for no good reason ever could.
2 Blowing Bubbles:
You're the mother of young children. You are TOTALLY NOT YOU. Feel it, baby. It's perfectly okay to cry in Target. Someday, I'll tell you about my breakdown at the vet.
Okay, I know it's not really the point of this post, but: seriously, why does Target have to move things around all the time? Like I don't spend enough time wandering around aimlessly in there as it is? Don't I already end up going home with $100 worth of stuff when I specifically went there to buy shampoo AND NOTHING ELSE? Why do you have to make it confusing on top of all that?
Damn you, Target. You know I can't quit you. Why must you be so cruel to me?
That said, I think it's only normal to sometimes mourn the loss of the person you were, even if you embrace the person you've become. It's doesn't make you an ingrate.
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