Getting E-Vin...Better

>> July 6, 2010

Brian: Dude, this shirt has been washed and it still smells like diesel.

Sara: Well, you should tell your boyfriend Vin not to wear so much cologne.

Brian: *stares*

Sara: I mean, you have a wife to hide your affair from after all.

Brian: Are you done?

Sara: I think so.

Brian: Okay.

Sara: I washed that shirt, like, ten times. Can't believe it still smells.

Brian: Diesel stinks.

Sara: That's cute how you call him by his last name.

You know, I couldn't be more relieved that we've been joking like this again. It wasn't like that for a while. For a while our dry humor morphed into underhanded sarcasm. Like, 'just jokes' that you can't defend yourself against? It hasn't been like that for a while. Thank goodness.

3 Blowing Bubbles:

Anonymous July 6, 2010 at 3:53 PM  

Okay, you're fucking hysterically funny. This is awesome.
Also, this part of your bio told me more about you than anything else: "I can beat the shit out of a dead fish. And a metaphor."
I'm in love. Rock on, sister.

Sara July 6, 2010 at 7:26 PM  

And ditto with the love! Indeed. Thank you.

Chickie July 7, 2010 at 7:28 PM  

Ha! Conversations like that are the best!

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