It Was A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood...And Will Be Again.

>> July 2, 2010

When I first started blogging, many, many moons ago, I was very, VERY surprised at what transpired. In all honesty, I figured I'd blather on about a bunch of shit and it would echo throughout the great abyss that is Teh Internets and remain wholly, or mostly, unheard. That didn't happen. Not in the least.

What did happen was awesome. Not only did people hear me, but I heard them. I made lots of friends. Really great friends. We had this little bloggy neighborhood thing going on. There was always a dash of sugar or smidgen of butter or both right around the corner. And to this day, I can still knock on those neighbors doors.

That's what my previous incarnation had lost. Community. I mean, okay, perhaps there was a big community in my wake, but I don't really deal well with big communities. I'm a small town girl. Probably why I moved from a majorly populated area to a more sparsely populated area. Everpresent tourists notwithstanding. I can't go to the grocery store in my current hometown without happening upon someone I know while wandering the aisles in search of corn starch (why the fuck can I NEVER remember what aisle corn starch is in???). Anywho, I may lament the small town gig now and again, but I'll suck it up and confess: I'm hard-wired for small town.

All of this preamble is to say, if you are so inclined, please share your blog with me here. If you read me, I'd really like to read you. I remember when my sidebar included links to all of my friends. And I'd like for that to be the case again. I'd like to visit your fishbowl now and again.

Also? I'm staying at home with the kids for the indeterminate future. That should read: adult stimulation wanted. And friends. Friends are cool. Old and new. Silver and gold. Ahem. Brownie trip. No, you sillies. Not the college variety! Mmm, brownies...

All righty neighbors. I'm off to search for my blue sweater now. Haven't seen that thing in ages!

3 Blowing Bubbles:

Chickie July 4, 2010 at 6:04 PM  

One of my favorite things about blogging is the little community I've "met". My other favorite thing is my total glee at seeing my tidy words on the computer screen.

I'm a dork like that.

Sara July 6, 2010 at 7:36 AM  

Hee! If you're a dork, so am I!

Anonymous July 6, 2010 at 3:56 PM  

I'm looking in the mirror here. Welcome to the neighborhood. And where have you been all my life (or at least the last two years)?

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